Title: Drought Index Insurance: Latest Insights From the Global Market
Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Time: 15:00 - 16:00 CET / 7:00 - 8:00 am PT
Duration: 60 minutes
REGISTER - Drought Index Insurance: Latest Insights From the Global Market
Join industry experts from Planet, Swiss Re, AXA Climate and AgroInsurance International for a look into how insurers are using satellite data to build products, measure crop conditions, and utilize indices that measure specific phenomena - like soil moisture and NDVI.
We’ll also cover the key results of the recent Drought Survey by Planet and AgroInsurance. Over 90 insurance firms shared their viewpoints to reveal trends in the agricultural insurance industry including:
- Business threats and opportunities brought on by climate change
- Increased use of satellite technologies to build products and measure crop conditions
- How indices that measure specific phenomena—like soil moisture—are becoming more and more relevant
- Berend De Jong, Global Insurance & Banking Lead, Planet
- Marcel Andriesse, Senior Agriculture Underwriter, Swiss Re
- Stéphane Godier, Business Development Leader Americas, AXA Climate
- Ian Shynkarenko, CEO, AgroInsurance International
- Eleni Vakaki, Sales Engineer for Insurance & Banking, Planet
Source - www.planet.com