On March 10, 2021, AgroInsurance International hosted a webinar “Covid-19 pandemic and agricultural insurance market. Report Summary”. The webinar discussed the impact caused by COVID-19 pandemics on agricultural insurance industry in 2020. Survey outputs were presented by Roman Shynkarenko, founder of Agroinsurance International. This survey was based on feedback received from 64 respondents from 29 countries. According to the survey results, COVID-19 did not have a significant effect on business operations of the agricultural insurance market overall. COVID-19 became an influencing factor in 2020, which encouraged insurance companies to focus on new technologies and solutions more seriously. Three companies sponsored this survey and during webinar they presented examples of technology solutions that helped agricultural underwriters and loss adjusters at time of 2020 lockdowns. Nick Ohrtman (Geosys) spoke about two examples of how Geosys analytics was integrated in their customers workflow in Brazil. Gregoire Tombez (GreenTriangle) presented cases of how agriculture insurance players digitized the loss adjustment process in several countries using solutions developed by Green Triangle company. Victor Yermak, CEO and founder of Skyglyph explained a cloud-based solution, developed by his company, that allowed insurers doing virtual inspections of clients’ fields and assets in 2020 by using their remote technology Virtual Crop Inspection. More than 80 online participants from 44 countries joined the webinar and contributed to the discussion adding more insights for better understanding of challenges faced by agricultural insurance industry worldwide. The webinar recording may be accessed through the link - Summary Webinar - Influence of COVID-19 on Global Agricultural Insurance Industry DOWNLOAD REPORT - Covid-19 pandemic and agricultural insurance market: Impact, changes and conclusions
Source - https://agroinsurance.com