Azerbaijan: Pre-insurance crop survey of wheat and corn crops for insurance/reinsurance purposes

15.01.2019 12799 views
AgroInsurance experts have successfully conducted  field visit and provided recommendations on insurability of the crops inspected. Project: Pre-insurance crop survey of wheat and corn crops for insurance/reinsurance purposes Country: Azerbaijan Duration: 04/2017 – 09/2017 Client: Genillard & Co. Consultant(s): AgroInsurance International LLC., Ian Shynkarenko (CEO), Olena Sosenko (Products & Trainings Manager) Objectives: Conduct crop survey for wheat (14 000 ha) and corn (10 000 ha). Provide recommendations on insurability of crops at selected fields, that show low yielding potential due to various factors, suggest adjustment factors for the insured yields. Services provided:
  • Analyze NDVI data, identify problematic spots
  • Conduct physical crop survey in Samuck and Ganja regions in Azerbaijan
  • Compile a report on survey observations and analysis with an advice for actual yield potential and insurability of certain fields
  • Commend on questions from the reinsurer while negotiating the re-insurance structure

Indonesia: Analysis of current rice insurance scheme (AUTP) and assess the feasibility for area-based yield (AYI) insurance program for rice in Indonesia

AgroInsurance experts have successfully conducted scoping study in Indonesia and suggested modifications to the existed rice insurance scheme (AUTP), as well as recommended on viable options for a feasible AYI product design. Project: Analysis of current rice insurance scheme (AUTP) and assess the feasibility for area-based yield (AYI) insurance program for rice in Indonesia Country: Indonesia Duration: 03/2019 – 12/2019 Client: JICA Objectives: The overall goal of the scoping study was to assess the current state of AUTP program and suggest modifications based on the actuarilly-sound risk pricing and crop exposure for smallholders and SMEs. Suggest the new AYI insurance product in order to reduce the vulnerability of subsistent farmers, farm groups, SMEs to extreme weather events. Services provided: Assess the opportunities for climate risk insurance (in agriculture) for Indonesia Advise on possible AYI and AUTP rice insurance using the available parametric (satellite) and ground data for product development and enhancement process Research on the opportunities to link agricultural loans to insurance coverage for smallholder farmers and agricultural SMEs Analyze ongoing RIICE project activities and satellite mapping data available for rice yield estimations; consider applicability of the data for development insurance products Audit of the current rice insurance scheme (AUTP). Suggest on adjustments to the program structure, ca-pacity needs, marketing and promotion of the rice insurance in Indonesia Recommend on viable options for a feasible AYI product design and setup: set up new program and/or support existing agricultural insurance schemes for rice in Indonesia Application of remote sensing instruments for agricultural insurance Development a set of technical memos on: (i) Agricultural insurance subsidies; (ii) Digital griculture; (iii) In-ternational Private-Public Partnership (PPP) examples in agricultural insurance; (iv) Rice crop risk profile; (v) Indonesia farmer’s landscape profile; (vi) International practice in multi-peril crop insurance (MPCI); (vii) Specifics of Area-based Yield Index (AYI) programs.


ASEAN: Study on disaster risk finance solutions for the agricultural sector and recommendations for ASEAN and ASEAN Member State (AMS)

AgroInsurance experts have successfully conducted a study on disaster risk finance strategies and solutions available in ASEAN region, and provided an overview for each AMS about their financial management of disaster risks with relevance to the agriculture sector. Project: Study on Disaster Risk Finance Solutions for the Agricultural Sector and Recommendations for ASEAN and ASEAN Member State (AMS) Country: ASEAN Duration: 08/2020 – 12/2020 Client: GIZ Objectives: Conduct a study on disaster risk finance strategies and solutions in ASEAN and its member states and their relevance for the agriculture sector with recommendations for ASEAN and ASEAN Member States (AMS) in order to be better equipped with knowledge of necessary requirements and/or enabling conditions for implementation. Results of the study and technical guidance by the consultant further support the preparation, facilitation and documentation of the ASEAN Capacity Building Workshop on Disaster Risk Finance in the Agricultural Sector and provide the necessary background information. Services provided: Overview of different financing instruments available in the ASEAN region for agriculture risk management including agriculture insurance (ex-ante and ex-post; private and public) Motivation and experiences on application of agriculture insurance as an instrument of disaster risk finance and its relation to other financing instruments Roles and responsibility (cross-sectoral) in disaster risk finance in the agricultural sector with experience and examples from countries, and including regional mandate of ASEAN Legal, regulatory and political requirements (“enabling framework”) Pros and Cons of these different solutions in disaster risks management for the agriculture sector with experience and examples from countries Overview of ongoing initiatives on ASEAN level (i.e. ADRFI program) or among a set of ASEAN countries (i.e. SEADRIF) with a focus on disaster risk financing and their relevance for the agricultural sector Overview for each AMS about their financial management of disaster risks with relevance to the agriculture sector, including key characteristics of the different solutions Analyze: Risk financing gaps for the agricultural sector Enabling conditions including for example establishment of a disaster risk financing strategy, regulatory support, risk data and other requirements for disaster risks finance and insurance in agricultural sector Roles and responsibility (cross-sectoral) of both public and private stakeholders in disaster risk finance in agriculture sector Summarize the results in a project report and the 1-page country summaries for each AMS Support the project workshop with 2 presentations and facilitation of Q&A during the workshop


Asia: Research on selected Asian countries and their agricultural insurance landscape

AgroInsurance experts have successfully conducted market analysis of agricultural insurance schemes available in the selected Asian countries. Project: Research on selected Asian countries and their agricultural insurance landscape Country: Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar Duration: 12/2020 – 02/2021 Client: GIZ Objectives: Conduct the quantitative analyses of the current agricultural insurance landscape for the markets of 6 countries of the SE Asia (Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar). Services provided: Collect timely and factual all agricultural insurance schemes targeted at smallholder farmers in Indonesia, Phillipines, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, the Pacific Islands and Myanmar Use professional networks within the Asian insurance industry and conduct interviews with relevant stakeholders to get access to relevant information Conduct a desktop research of additional public sources Processing of data in an Excelsheet provided by GIZ Verify and fact-check the provided data from stakeholders Participate in up to three feedback loops on the quality and quantity of data


Armenia: Development of agricultural insurance products

Team of experts is currently working on implementation of project’s tasks. Project: Development of agricultural insurance in Armenia Country: Armenia Duration: 03/2018 – 09/2019 Client: IRIF / KfW Consultant(s): AgroInsurance International LLC., Ian Shynkarenko (CEO), Olena Sosenko (Products & Trainings Manager), Liudmyla Krychevska (Agricultural Insurance Programs Administrator), Mykola Pysarenko (International Loss Adjustment Expert). Objectives: Develop insurance products for at least 2 crops grown in Armenia. Guide the Project Implementation Consulting consortium on data required for product development and establishment of Loss Adjustment system, that includes guidelines for the crops selected. Services provided: Guide the Implementation consultant on data required for product development part. Guide the Implementation consultant on development of loss adjustment guidelines for crops selected. Provide recommendation for development of NARMA (National Agricultural Risk Management Agency of Armenia). Provide guidance and recommendations for development of IT tool for portfolio management, underwriting and loss adjustment purposes. Peer review of various documents and reports provided by the Project’s Implementation Consultant.


Cambodia: Scoping study for a potential support of the German Government in the field of Agricultural Risk Insurance

AgroInsurance experts have successfully conducted market analysis in Cambodia and delivered recommendations on potential development of agricultural insurance scheme in the country. Project: Scoping study for a potential support of the German Government in the field of Agricultural Risk Insurance (and Disaster Risk Management) Country: Cambodia Duration: 05/2018 – 12/2018 Client: KfW Consultant(s): AgroInsurance International LLC., Ian Shynkarenko (CEO), Liudmyla Krychevska (Agricultural Insurance Programs Administrator). Objectives: To assess the current state and the potential to develop new agriculture insurance products in Cambodia in order to reduce the vulnerability of micro, small and medium agricultural enterprises to extreme weather events. Services provided: Insurance market overview and agricultural insurance product analysis. Assessment of agriculture risk insurance products within the Financial / Agricultural Sector. Preparation of consolidated (disaster risk) information database (country risk profile). Overview of regulatory framework presented in Cambodia. Assessment of disaster risk management mechanism, including existing and planned disaster risk transfer mechanism (countrywide).


Serbia: Implementation and Enhancement of Agri-Insurance under the Rural Financial Sector Development Programme

Team of experts is currently working on implementation of project’s tasks, per ToR 


Armenia: Technical Note on Agricultural Insurance: Experience in middle-income countries in Central and Southern Europe and the CIS

Provide the analysis and elaborate a set technical advice needed to consider for a newly created scheme in Armenia operating in the future existing schemes successfully operating and developing in recent years. Elaborate recommendations for Armenia on the initial steps that are prerequisite for steady growth and development of the ag insurance program in the country. 


Mongolia: Report on the crop production risks and risk insurance product development

Evaluation of the current agricultural production industry in Mongolia. Outline of the way for new agricultural (crop) insurance product development. Transfer of the international know how in agro insurance product development. Creation of the strategy for the new insurance product development and marketing. Work with country stakeholders: Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, farmers’ association, insurance companies, and financial regulator. 

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